PHSC Corporate Governance
Portland Hospital Service Corporation (PHSC) is committed to a corporate culture that consistently demonstrates corporate accountability, maintains high standards of performance and ensures that appropriate, ethical choices are made on behalf of its owners, customers and employees. The organization’s leadership, comprised of its Board of Directors and senior management, are committed to a strong system of internal controls, standard operating procedures and an unwavering code of ethics and integrity.
To facilitate this environment and provide management oversight, the Company has maintained an involved Board of Directors representing each of the three owner health systems. In addition to the General Manager, the Board is comprised of six members, each having a senior role within their respective organizations. Each owner health system provides one operational and one financial representative to represent its interests. The Board meets on a monthly basis to discuss and review financial and operational performance. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, approving the annual budget, capital equipment expenditures and adjustments to customer pricing.
Additionally, PHSC has maintained an active Linen Advisory Committee. This committee is comprised of representatives from the three owner health systems, each having an operational and/or services role within their respective organizations. Members of PHSC senior management, including the General Manager, Operations Manager and Production Supervisors, also actively participate. The function of the Operations Committee is to not only provide feedback regarding customer service and satisfaction, but also to promote linen standardization, to improve linen utilization and to identify other service opportunities that could be more efficient and cost-effective through PHSC. The Committee meets monthly.
PHSC’s employees are one of its greatest assets. Employee representatives serve on a Labor Management Committee which meets with PHSC senior management monthly to facilitate open communication and to maintain harmony between management and the employee population. Through this Committee and ongoing training, the corporate culture of high standards, performance and ethical behavior is further promoted.
Finally, the Company’s mission is dedicated to providing predictable cost structures, high quality in product and customer service, a corporate culture that facilitates employee satisfaction and a commitment to sustainable industry excellence. In fulfilling its mission, PHSC consistently monitors the effectiveness and efficiency of operations via industry benchmarks, the reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, the safeguarding of assets and compliance with rules, regulations and overall best business practices. PHSC management has communicated its expectations regarding business ethics and conduct not only through its employee handbook, but also by personally demonstrating ethical behavior in its decision making, its direct involvement with daily operations and its commitment to open, honest communication without the fear of retaliation or reprisal.